Course Syllabus

Course Title: ASM Student Orientation

Credits: 0.0

Course Description:

This course provides enrollees (midwifery preceptors and apprentices) with basic information on NCM values, philosophy, structures, and policies and procedures. Completion of this course is required for all students prior to program enrollment and is utilized as a reference throughout a student's time with the College.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Become Familiar with Canvas
  2. Preceptor/Instructor Qualifications and Requirements
  3. Minimal technology Skills and Equipment Required for program of study
  4. Evaluation of Expenses
  5. How to create and maintain an NCM Plan of Completion
  6. Become Familiar with the Required Textbooks
  7. Understand the Prerequisite Knowledge for the NCM programs
    1. Evaluating Resources
    2. APA Citations
    3. Plagiarism
  8. Understanding the End of Trimester Submission Requirements and Steps
  9. ASM Overview
  10. Understand the Academic Block System
  11. NCM Mission, Goals, Values
  12. Cultural Awareness and Humility definitions
  13. Awareness of Competency-Based Education
  14. How to Enter into a Health Student Preceptor Relationship
  15. How to Establish ground rules and sign preceptor contracts
  16. Know the different types of bullying
  17. Know the Effects of Bullying
  18. Know what bullying can look like in midwifery and in an apprenticeship
  19. Understand why bullying happens
  20. Know helpful steps to avoid being a victim of bullying
  21. Understand the steps to help move from victim to survivor
  22. Self-reflection on Being a Bully
  23. How to stay organized as an NCM Student
    1. Know deadlines and due dates
    2. How to keep track of documentation of clinical experience
  24. Where to find all Required Clinical Forms
  25. Know the student services that are available
    1. Academic advising, degrees and admissions advising
    2. Counseling and Mediation
    3. Tutoring and Mentorship
    4. Records Requests
    5. Financial Aid
    6. Scholarship Program
    7. Transferring Credits
    8. Social Support Services
    9. Clinical Placement
    10. Career Placement
    11. Students with Disabilities
    12. Complaint Process
  26. How to access journal articles, the library and the NCM booklist

Learning Materials:

  1. NCM Handbook and Catalog
  2. Booklist

Learning Activities:

  1. Orientation Videos
  2. Purdue Plagiarism Course
  3. Policy Highlights
  4. Cultural Awareness and Humility Video Series

Course Summary:

Date Details Due